

The word “nebula” comes from Latin which means “cloud.” It is apt, because nebulae (the plural of nebula) look like clouds of gases. Nebulae are made up mostly of hydrogen and helium gases, plus plasma and dust. These clouds are believed to be the birthplace of stars.

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Light emitted by astronomical bodies is one of the major clues found in the vast universe. With light, astronomers and astrophysicists can see beyond the stunning brilliance of the celestial bodies found in our galaxy. The Sun is probably one of the most brilliant celestial bodies that we have seen and the nearest to Earth.

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Protoplanetary Disk

In astronomy, the term protoplanetary disk refers to the circumstellar disk of space matter, composing of space dust, different types of gas, specifically the types of nitrogen, hydrogen or other elemental gas. It is said that this type of astronomical marvel is the basis or essential structure for forming planetary systems, and eventually galaxies.

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