
Gas Giants

Are there planets that are not composed of rock, like Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars? Are there planets where there is no land, just all nothingness? Yes, there are, they are known as a Gas Giants, they are large celestial bodies that are instead made up of gases. They may have a solid core, and […]

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Surface of Uranus

The first planet to be discovered with a telescope is Uranus. But unlike Neptune, Uranus is visible to the naked eye. Albeit its gargantuan size, Uranus is categorized as one of the least dense planets. Because of its low density level, the gravity on the planet is relatively weak therefore the gravity experienced on the

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Moons of Uranus

Uranus has 27 confirmed natural satellites in its orbit. Unlike most moons named after Greek mythological characters, the moons of Uranus are named after the people in William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope’s literary works.

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Who Discovered Uranus

In astrology, the five planets known by humans even before actual scientific observations are known as the classical planets. Even without the tools, these planets were known to exist (although not as planets, naturally) because they were visible to the human eye. Like these planets, Uranus is also visible without the aid of a telescope.

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When Was Uranus Discovered

Uranus was actually observed on several occasions before it was finally recognized as a planet, but the observation was directed to the mistaken belief that it was a star. The earliest sighting for this that was recorded was on the year 1690 when a person named John Flamsteed make observations on the planet for a

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Rings of Uranus

Saturn has the most complex ring system in the solar system while Jupiter and Neptune have faint and simple rings. Uranus rings may not be as extensive as Saturn’s but it is more complex compared to Jupiter’s and Neptune’s. The Uranus rings were first observed more than 2 centuries ago by British astronomer William Herschel.

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What Does Uranus Look Like

Uranus is the seventh planet that is farthest from the sun. It also ranks as the third largest planet in our solar system and the fourth ranker when it comes to mass. Despite its similar visibility when compared to the other five classical planets, ancient observers do not actually recognize it as a planet because

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The Atmosphere of Uranus

Uranus’ atmosphere is mainly composed of helium and hydrogen. A large part of its atmosphere is also composed of water, ammonia and methane. The surface below its upper atmosphere is filled with a “sea” of ammonia, water and hydrogen. The transition from liquid to gas in the atmosphere is not clear. The part of the

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