Space Theory

Protoplanetary Disk

In astronomy, the term protoplanetary disk refers to the circumstellar disk of space matter, composing of space dust, different types of gas, specifically the types of nitrogen, hydrogen or other elemental gas. It is said that this type of astronomical marvel is the basis or essential structure for forming planetary systems, and eventually galaxies.

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One theory of planetary formation cites small celestial objects known as planetesimals to be the forbearers of planets. They are formed by the combination of dust, rock and other materials moving within the solar nebula. Through a process called ‘accretion’, these small microscopic particles collide and merge to form larger bodies measuring up to a

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The Sun’s astrosphere is composed of several layers that include the heliosphere, heliosheath, heliopause and the termination shock. Heliosphere can be thought of as a bubble in space surrounding the sun. It shields and helps protect the earth from harmful intergalactic radiation. These radiations can destroy DNA and can make climate not suitable for existence.

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