
Galaxy Clusters

. It may have formed over many years. Galaxies could be formed from ten to thousands of galaxies. Galaxy clusters seem to be a group or plenty of galaxies joined together by mutual pull of gravity. There are irregular galaxy clusters and regular galaxy clusters. Irregular galaxy clusters have lesser masses and absence of a

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Starburst Galaxy

A starburst galaxy refers to a galaxy that is undergoing a process of an incredibly high rate of star formation. There are many galaxies of this kind all throughout the universe and star formations at this high rate alters the structure of the host galaxy because of the high amount of energy and mass produced.

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Seyfert Galaxy

Seyfert galaxies are a particular class of galaxy where each nuclei produces spectral line emissions of highly-ionized gas. A Seyfert galaxy is always known to be spiral in nature, and is always among the most intensively studied in the field of astronomy because they are supposed to be theoretically near our own Milky Way.

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Galactic Disc

If you take a look at some photos of the galaxy, like our very own Milky Way, you may see that there is a region where most of the stars lie mostly and bulge. It is known as a galactic disc. It is flat and it is where stars from the ordinary to the biggest

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Galactic Nucleus

Nucleus, known as a center, may mean a lot of things. Reviewing your Biology, it is also known as the control center. Going to Chemistry, it is the center of an atom that has the protons and neutrons. Now, in Astronomy, you should know that the galaxy also has a nucleus. And it is called

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Multiple Star Systems

For thousands of years, ancient civilizations have thought of the earth as the center of the solar system. Had Copernicus failed to challenge this belief, Galileo would not have concluded that the solar system is indeed heliocentric. If his proponent theory gathered much of a dispute, imagine the disbelief it would cause by suggesting that

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When you look at the stars, you will notice that some of them are brighter than the others. The differences in brightness are assigned with specific numbers that correspond to their magnitude. Magnitude starts from -1, which is considered as the brightest star. The dimmer a star becomes, it gets a number with a higher

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Galactic Plane

In defining a plane, you can describe it as a flat two-dimensional surface. But how could a not perfectly co-planar Milky Way have a plane? Galaxies are normally irregular in shape. In space or in a galaxy, a plane is described as where most of the galaxy’s mass lies. It is then called the galactic

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