Mass (kg) : 5.69 x 1026
Diameter (km) : 120660
Mean density (kg/m3) : 690
Escape velocity (m/s) : 35600
Average distance from Sun : 886,715,600 miles (1,426,725,400 km)
Rotation period (length of day in Earth days) : 0.44 (10.2 Earth hours)
Revolution period (length of year in Earth years) : 29.46
Obliquity (tilt of axis degrees) : 26.7
Orbit inclination (degrees) : 2.49
Orbit eccentricity (deviation from circular) : 0.056
Mean temperature (K) : 88 K (1 bar level)
Visual geometric albedo (reflectivity) : 0.46
Atmospheric components : 97% hydrogen, 3% helium, .05% methane
Rings : Rings are 270,000 km in diameter, but only a few hundred meters thick. Particles are centimeters to decameters in size and are ice (some may be covered with ice); there are traces of silicate and carbon minerals. There are four main ring groups and three more faint, narrow ring groups separated by gaps called divisions.