South Celestial Pole

If in astronomy, there is what people call the North Celestial Pole, then there is also what stargazers call the South Celestial Pole. Unlike the North Celestial Pole whose reference star is the Polaris, it is harder to look for this pole, due to circumstances that there is no reference star to look for in the South Pole.

By definition, the South Celestial Pole and the North Celestial Pole are the two imaginary points in the sky where the stars rotate and revolve. These two imaginary points are exactly over the geographic north and south poles of the planet earth.

In stargazing, it is really difficult to find this celestial pole. Though with locating different stars, it can directly point to the position of the South Celestial Pole itself.

In trying to locate the pole, it is possible to find first the Southern Cross. From there, it will lead to other star constellations that will eventually lead to the pole. As based from the group of stars laid out by Lacaille, it is said that the South Celestial Pole is in the Octans constellation, and since it is quite dim to locate it, it will be a miracle to find the pole.

So, the best alternative is to locate the Crux constellation and the stars of Rigil Kent and Hadar, the brightest stars in the Centaurus star formation. From there, extend a line from Gacrux then to Acrux, then extend a line perpendicular to these 2 stars, the pole is located 5 degrees across the Crux constellation.

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